ZST AGM to be held by Zoom on Saturday 16th November 2024 14.00 hours UK time 16.00 Zambia time


1.      Welcome and apologies

2.      Approval of the Minutes of the 2023 AGM

3.      Matters arising from the Minutes

4.      Treasurer’s report

5.      Chair’s report

6.      Election of the Officers for 2024-2025

The current Officers are:

Chair – Tim Legge

Vice Chair – Ken Hamilton

Treasurer – Andrew Rose

Secretary – Vacant

7.      Election of Trustees for 2024-2025

In addition to the Officers, the current Trustees are:

Anne Fraenkel, Eileen Hamilton, Gretta Hudson, John Hunter

Mathias Mbewe, David Nicholls, Elisabeth Young, Susan Walker

8.      Appointment of an Independent Examiner

9.      Consideration of any resolutions submitted to the Chair by 8th November 2024

10.   Any other business 

After the formal session has been completed, a video presentation by Father Adam Pergol of the Mpunde Mission will be shown. He is a Roman Catholic Priest, who has been based in his poor rural community for 21 years. He serves a large number of parishes across an extensive and remote area. Kabwe is the nearest town, which is reached along rough tracks. The journey by canter takes some 2 hours. With a grant from ZST, he supports underprivileged children through school, college and university.

The Zoom link will be sent out by email a day or two before the meeting


Watch the AGM Presentations from Mpunde Mission Kabwe


News from Zambia