Watch the AGM Presentations from Mpunde Mission Kabwe
Sister Linda
A good crowd of members and supporters joined us for our online AGM last Saturday the 16th of November - it was great to see so many of you there! The formal meeting was followed by three short presentations from Mpunde Mission, a two-hour drive by truck on dirt roads from Kabwe, which the Trust has supported for many years. First, Father Adam spoke about the background to the Mission and some of the problems faced by people, especially young girls, living in such a poor and remote rural area. Then Sister Linda (above) talked about education at Mpunde, and lastly, Sister Matilda - a Clinical Officer at the Mission - spoke about healthcare and the work of the clinic there. To watch these short films, please click on the button below then scroll down the page to find the presentations.
Fr Adam is in charge of Mpunde Mission and uses the Zambia Society Trust's annual grant to pay for the education of children from disadvantaged backgrounds through school and college or university. He is pictured below with the current sponsored students, together with Tainess Khondowe, a member of ZST's committee in Zambia and ZST Chair Tim Legge on a recent visit to Mpunde.
Fr Adam with currently sponsored students, Tainess Khondowe and Tim Legge.
Mpunde Mission is a Catholic centre situated in a remote area to the west of Kabwe where there are basic and secondary schools. Funds donated by ZST are used to pay school fees for disadvantaged children to attend the schools and other schools, colleges in the area including teacher training and nursing, and universities. Funds have also been used to provide the poorest students with the basics they need to attend school: uniforms, school bags, calculators, books and blankets. This year due to the drought in Zambia ZST gave an additional grant for Mpunde Mission to purchase maize meal.
The Mission has been led by FR Adam for 23 years who writes
“All the supported children and youths really appreciate the Trust’s help and chance for education and better life. They know that their parents who struggle to feed them are not even able to think about their education.”
“Without your help most of our kids will not be able to go to school”
“You have changed for the better the life of underprivileged children giving them chance for education and successful future.”