Zambia Society Trust Social Gathering Saturday May 18th Zambia High Commission London
More than fifty members and friends gathered at the Zambia High Commission on Saturday 18th May, by kind permission of the High Commissioner, for a buffet lunch and a chance to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. We were delighted that Her Excellency Macenje Mazoka was able to be present and to address the gathering. She expressed her appreciation for the work the Zambia Society Trust is doing in Zambia, mentioning especially the importance of our education grants programme. “When you support education, you never know what seeds you may sow,” she said. We were also pleased to be joined by representatives from several other charities working in Zambia, including BookBus, BookAid International and the Diocese of Bath and Wells which has had a link with churches and schools throughout Zambia for 46 years.
Her Excellency Macenje Mazoka
ZST Chair Tim Legge and Her Excellency Macenje Mazoka