Programme for our upcoming AGM on Saturday 16th November 2019

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Book the date now for what promises to be a very fascinating AGM on Saturday 16th November at the Zambia High Commission, 2 Palace Gate, London W8 5NG.  Our gathering which is open to everyone (only members can vote)  starts at 12.30 with a short business meeting followed by a buffet lunch (small charge of £13 per head),  The afternoon session commences around 14.15 and is entitled “Energising Rural Zambia“.  85% of electricity generated in Zambia is based on hydro but erratic rainfall over recent years has led to declining water levels in the main hydro reservoirs. This has resulted in severe power cuts and an increase in the use of charcoal for cooking, causing price rises and accelerated deforestation.  In response GRZ is investing in major solar projects and other forms of renewable energy and there are other exciting, small scale initiatives providing innovative domestic solar systems.   We’ll hear from two of these this afternoon.

Dr Karen Treasure will describe her project “Solar Empower Zambia” which provides parabolic solar cookers to rural communities in Southern Province and helps households to make the best use of them.  Karen is a lecturer at the University of Plymouth specialising in African development issues and has been conducting research into community and social development in Zambia since 2007.

Our second guest is Simon Bransfield-Garth, the CEO of Azuri Technologies.  They work in close collaboration with locally based partner companies to provide rural communities in Zambia with affordable solar power on a “pay-as-you-go” basis using mobile phones.  Simon currently sits on the Governing Council of the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) and has been recognised as a ‘technology pioneer’ by the World Economic Forum.  Azuri Technologies has been named by the London Stock Exchange Group as one of the “1000 companies to Inspire Britain 2019”.

This looks like it will be a popular and absorbing afternoon and all members, their guests and supporters of our work are very welcome to join us.   It would be really helpful  if anyone intending to attend could email our Hon. Secretary in advance to confirm, purely to give us an idea of numbers.


AGM Report 16th November 2019


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