Pilgrim, Salt in the Community – Project Update

Grace Sholoma reports that she is really pleased with all the progress being made at the project in Kalilanama,Serenje District.. After many years with just a few of the community members involved in the project, there are now many, particularly parents, who want to help, especially with the building work.  Grace says that lots of parents have asked her when they can start making bricks for the weekly boarding houses, but she has told them that other things need completing first and more money has to be raised. Meanwhile, there is always work to be done on the farm.

John Barnard reports that government departments (Education, Health and others) are interested and appreciative of what has and is being achieved and are providing some (limited) funding and resources.  ZOCS (Zambian Open Community Schools) is going to provide help for a building a play park for pre-grade children and also provide a 20 week training course for the existing two teachers.  They will then train another teacher who will be in charge of the pre-grade children.  Ten years ago, no child in the area had access to any education.  It is all very exciting.

There is now a very active PTA at the school.

Two boys have recently passed to Grade 8 and moved on to weekly board at Kabamba  government school which is 30 kilometres from Kalilanama.  The parents will be expected to provide a little for their boarding needs, but Pilgrim School has given them a sack of mealie meal and books to get them started.  The Zambian Government now provides free education up to Grade 12, which is a great help.

The Health Post is open every day, and, when Grace is not there, the wife of one of the teachers, who is a trained Health Worker, sees patients.  Unfortunately, there is a national shortage of all health supplies, except malaria treatment, so even the most basic of medicine is not available, even in large hospitals.  But checks, advice, maternity issues, hygiene training and treatment for malaria and minor injuries, especially burns, can be given.

In the project fields, maize, sugar beans, cow peas and sweet potatoes have been planted, and cassava will be planted at the end of February, which coincides with the end of the rainy season.

Church services at Hope Church Kalilanama take place each Sunday and they have a visiting Pastor each month. 

When the rains have finished building is going to begin on two teachers’ houses - at the moment they are living in visitors’ accommodation.

The original goals have been achieved and there are lots of exciting future plans!


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