Education Grants for Courses starting in 2024 – Update

We are pleased to announce that all successful applicants for grants for courses starting in 2024 have now been informed. We have offered grants to forty new students, and seventeen continuing students - so fifty-seven grants in total. These grants cover their university or college fees and in some cases accommodation as well. The subjects they are studying are very varied, but there is a strong emphasis on health (medicine, nursing, midwifery, dental therapy, radiography, pharmacy, human biology, public health); other subjects include engineering, information technology, agriculture and veterinary medicine, public administration, business studies, banking and finance, and law.

This year we received a very large number of applications, many more than we can offer grants to. We are a very small organisation with no staff (all the work is done by volunteers), and we have very limited funds to distribute. We know that there will be many applicants who are disappointed this year, and we are very sorry that we have been unable to help them. We are also sorry that we are unable to write to all the unsuccessful applicants, and would ask you to pass on this message if you know someone who has applied for a grant and not heard from us.

Details of how to apply for courses starting in 2025 will be posted on our website at the beginning of April. We are unable to accept any applications before that. The closing date for applications will be 31 August 2024.


Introducing our new Chair Tim Legge


Christmas Appeal - APTERS Project